Women + Hustle + Visibility
2020, 2020, 20-20! It sure did push us out of our comfort zone and gave us the opportunity to go inside, dive deep. As a woman business owner, centering my values and my purpose in everything I do is paramount and extremely challenging to do at the same time. How can I make my dreams come true but still make money? All women are presented with this same challenge, how do you go about feeding your soul while also being able to eat.
Last year, I witnessed the strength, flexibility, and genius of women (as if I needed more evidence). Women under pressure who GREW. On my instagram account @holaglowupmedia I started the year by highlighting the success and hustle of four women in particular who have impressed me and inspire all women to dream and achieve. This is me/we finding my/our niche… finding personal and professional growth amidst challenging times.
A badass black woman who surfs with the best of the dude surfers. She is an example of girl power and an advocate for diversity in surfing which has traditionally been a white space. To photograph Natasha surfing some of the toughest waves in Costa Rica is inspiring and something I am really proud to do. She deserves more action shots, and I hope to deliver them.
A hustler who started her own business after being let go from a local spa after COVID. She is a young and responsible woman who has found wild success. Her dedication and flat out hard work has really resulted in great things for her. She’s an example for all of us, when the shit gets real, we get realer.
Paola was stressed, looking for online work after the shut down… everyone was looking for online work. Paola is persistent, she decided to look inside, she got creative, and the results are amazing. She birthed her own jewelry line and is now selling in stores! Sometimes, we just have believe in ourselves.
Noy is my friends and a single mother of two. As long as I’ve known her she’s been working at the same restaurant in town, loyally. After COVID she was let go and things got rough. Noy had a dream of opening her own restaurant and you better believe she made that dream a reality during the craziest of times. Her food is the only Authentic Mexican food in Caribe Sur.
Follow and support these women!